Self-Study Course in Coherent Narrative Therapy
New to the site, this 5-credit CEU course can be purchased, downloaded, and taken at your own pace. Click here for details.
The principles of Narratology can be brought into many disciplines, both therapeutic and non-therapeutic, and have a place in every helping, guiding, or service-related profession. For therapists, this approach will renew your passion for the work and provide a transformational way of working with client material. It is most commonly adopted by mental health practitioners and educators, however skills in Narratology are also ideal for medical professionals, managers, parents, and anyone who leads or works with others. Training is also available for those who wish to learn Coherent Narrative Therapy, and bring it into their own practice. The length and format of trainings can be customized, but the two most common paths towards getting trained are 1) to take a Saturday Training, Level i and II, 2) to join a group of "helpers" or "self-helpers," or 3) to do Individual Coherent Narrative Therapy or Coaching training sessions to learn techniques experientially in a private setting. Either option can be followed up with individual or group case study for "helpers". See clinician review on Testamonial page. For Individual Coherent Narrative trainings, click here.
All workshops trainings can also be customized.
Click here to build your own training.
Coherent Narrative Training Video
This video contains clips from the first of eight sessions with a client. It demonstrates some of the key principals and techniques of Narratology.
In these "THEORY" trainings, you will become acquainted with the importance that Narrative plays in our lives, as well as an introduction to the unique blend of Narratology and brain science that I have developed and use with my clients.
What is a Coherent Narrative? Can We Access or Create One?
Introduces participants to the topic of Narratology. It also sheds light on the impact of fractured narratives, and the ways these false, forgotten, or interrupted stories can lead us to feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or without meaning. This module will also begin to address how our narratives can be revised, allowing us to make desirable shifts in our lives.
Format: Lecture | Length: 1 Hour
Audience: Everyone
CLICK HERE to see available workshops
"TECHNIQUE" trainings allow for deeper work. You will become acquainted with the specific techniques and structure that I have developed for drawing out narrative, helping clients to reframe it, and then guiding a process of reintegration. These techniques can be learned through experiential workshops or in your own private narrative reconstruction sessions.
CEU Accredited Training In Coherent Narrative Therapy for LCSW Clinicians
Neuropsychologists and teachers of mindfulness alike are pointing to the importance of having a coherent narrative, for optimal health and well-being. All clinicians understand the importance of listening; participants will learn the meaning of a coherent narrative, and how they can listen to, question, fill out, re-frame and work with client material toward creating one. Participants will learn how to eliciting a client’s narrative, how to quickly discover early emotional learning patterns and schemas that are related to the client’s presenting problem, and how to then shift these stuck positions. Participants will also be guided through the use of writing prompts, from the client’s own spoken material, to sustain the work between sessions as a tool for empowerment. This work is particularly crucial for those whose narratives have been buried, disenfranchised or ‘othered’. Level I is an Intro and pre-req for Level II, which includes a live demo.
Location: New York City
Date: Saturdays TBD
Time: 10am -5:00pm
Sessions: Morning Session 10-1/lunch break 1-2/Afternoon Session 2-5
Teaching Methods: Lecture/demonstration; Q&A; and paired experiential listening and writing exercises. A handout will also be distributed to be taken home in order to encapsulate key teachings.
Learning Objectives:
-Participants will begin to learn how to ask the right questions and learn to do the radical listening needed to create a forensic map of their client’s narrative, and to discover, how, why and where it is incomplete.
-Participants will come to understand how a complete and coherent narrative is the antithesis of pathology.
-Participants will also be guided through the use of writing as an accessible tool for the treatment of trauma.
-Participants will begin to learn the difference between doing a bio/psycho/social intake and culling a narrative.
-Participants will begin to learn how to connect their client’s current ‘symptoms’ to their clients’ early emotional learnings, and how to spot and revise the limiting schemas that have formed.
-Participants will begin to learn how to use writing as a narratological tool for memory-recovery, memory-reconsolidation, the development of authority, and self-regulation.
Costs, Refunds, Cancellation Policies:
$150 for the day; refunds up until 2 weeks prior, full refund if workshop is cancelled.
Contact Hours:
One-day workshops that run for 6 instructional hours
Please email to be informed of next workshop
Leading Those You Guide through Narrative Revision Introduces participants to several techniques that are utilized in Coherent Narrative Therapy to invite the articulation of story, discover what's missing, and integrate forgotten or revise false narratives in a new, more coherent narrative.
Format: Lecture + Demonstration | Length: 3 Hours
Audience: Clinicians, nurses, doctors, coaches, teachers, tutors, caregivers, support group participants, consultants, etc
CLICK HERE for available workshops
Revising Your Own NarrativeIntroduces participants to several techniques that are utilized in Coherent Narrative Therapy to articulate story, discover what's missing, and integrate forgotten or revise false narratives in a new, more coherent narrative. It places unique focus on listening to oneself and authoring one's own experience.
Format: Lecture + Demonstration | Length: 3 Hours
Audience: Everyone, including individuals, couples families, managers, entrepreneurs, parents, students, or artists, as well as helpers who want to discover/revise their own narrative first, such as clinicians, nurses, healers, coaches, teachers, eldercare givers, support group leaders, etc.
CLICK HERE for available workshops
Science of the Write Brain
Focuses specifically on how writing can advance the discovery and revision of coherent narratives by accessing material in the memory stores of the left brain and languaging it though the storytelling engine in the right brain, thus remembering and reconsidering things that have been forgotten or frozen. Participants will respond to prompts during the module as a way of experiencing and benefiting from the power of the technique.
Format: Workshop | Length: 3 Hours
Audience: Everyone
CLICK HERE for available workshops
"PRACTICE" trainings are necessary for helpers to fully become proficient in Coherent Narrative Therapy. You will begin to apply it through supervised case study review on an ongoing or ad hoc basis.
Workshop modules or private Coherent Narrative Therapy sessions can be extended by weekly/monthly case study sessions where sample cases are brought by the supervisee on an ongoing and ad hoc basis.Format: Case Study | Length: 1 Hour, , weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly; in-person or via Skype
Audience: For "helpers" who lead others
CLICK HERE for available workshops
Workshop modules or private Coherent Narrative Therapy sessions can be extended by weekly/monthly case study sessions where sample cases are brought by the group of supervisees on an ongoing and ad hoc basis. This type of supervision must be preceded by participation in a Narratology workshop (theory and technique) or Private Narrative Coaching sessions.
Format: Case Study | Length: 1 Hour, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly; in-person or via Skype
Audience: For teams of educators, coaches, healers, etc. who wish guidance as they learn the practice.
CLICK HERE for available workshops.
"We are not trapped in the identity of success or failure, or in any identity at all, neither in terms of how others see us nor in how we see ourselves."
- Pema Chodron, author of The Places That Scare You