Email Coaching: WrittenMeditations
THERE IS CURRENTLY A WAITING LIST FOR THIS SEPARATE SERVICE: (writing is a part of all regular regular coaching and therapy sessions)
Those who wish to discover and reconstruct their narratives via email/writing can use my emailing platform – WrittenMeditations – to connect virtually. Just as with in-person or remote sessions, clients will be led by smart, dramaturgical questions and accompanied into useful explorations of their own story, past, present and future. WrittenMeditations, unlike in-person narrative coaching, allows for spontaneous voicing – no appointment needs to be scheduled, and writing can be done at any hour and in any location – with the assurance of a quick response. This is not, however, advice giving as needed; it is a written coaching practice that builds on regular exploration and continuity, just as in-person sessions do. This method is is less expensive per session than in-person Coaching, which allows clients to access the Coach as needed, but does not have the depth of a more dimensional relationship. This method is not recommended for people with current or past trauma, or who are feeling at risk of harming themselves or others, or have a biological problem (such as addiction or an eating disorder).
Unlike unguided journaling, uncovering one’s story in dialogue with a trained Narrative Coach offers the opportunity for caring accompaniment in difficult material. You will gain the perspective of an expert listener and written respondent who has distance on the story being shared and can honor it without distortion. This act of mindful communing allows what is stored in the left brain of the writer, to be brought meaningfully into awareness by the storytelling drive in the right brain. This leads to integration of new awareness and the transformation of feelings and behavior. Ironically, it does so by using what you already knew about yourself and didn’t even know you knew!
You need not be a ‘writer’ by nature or profession in order to become comfortable with this method; it will begin to feel perfectly natural to author your experience in this way, (thus gaining ‘author’ity over your life), and it will feel perfectly natural to be understood and responded to with great attunement and warmth by an unseen partner in dialogue.
Spontaneous voicing is possible with a guaranteed, quick response.
Visual privacy.
Less expensive than in-person sessions, allowing for multiple contacts per week, which are paid for as you go.
Time to consider unscheduled responses.
Sharing meditations reduces feelings of isolation.
Written meditations create a permanent record of your discovery process, and can even be augmented by photos or other forms of expression.
Engaging in this regular written medtiation practice will help you to articulate yourself more readily in all arenas of your life.
For those who are reluctant to language their thoughts and feelings, engaging in written meditation will strengthen these muscles.
For those who find it difficult to focus their articulations, or get uncomfortably lost in their own material, a word count limitation for these meditations will encourage a practice of concisely articulating what is most deeply felt and most present.
How it works:
The client and the Narrative Coach will communicate solely through email.
A single narrative coaching session is comprised of one submitted written meditation from you and one narrative coaching response from me.
Responses will be limited to a specific word or paragraph limit, when beneficial for focusing.
After the very first exchange you will have a clear idea of how you hold your story, where it might have gotten stuck, and how this stuckness is evident in your current life. From there, you can go as deep as you choose to into the work and the working relationship.
For continuity of practice and maximum benefit to client, it is recommended that you sustain weekly contact.
$30 - 1 Narrative Coaching session
$125 - package of 5 Narrative Coaching sessions ($25/session)
Paid through Paypal (your confirmation number should be included at the top of your email for proof of payment).
For new clients, the initial exchanges to establish rightness of fit for this work are free.
Special rates are offered for in-person and remote clients who wish to extend their work between sessions with written meditations.
Begin WrittenMeditations here!
Once we have communicated and are ready to begin, you can pay for your Narrative Coaching sessions below.
"I see [Coherent Narrative Therapy/Coaching] work not within the confines of a particular room, on a particular day, but as something that can be shaped and reshaped in infinite ways."
- Gail Noppe-Brandon, from a review in Psychology Today