3 ways to engage with Private Narrative Coaching
One-on-one in-person Narrative Coaching sessions are ideal for clients located in the New York City area. A fully embodied accompaniment that is interactive in the moment and heightens social and communication skills which clarify client narrative.
Virtual Narrative Coaching sessions via phone, Skype, or Face-Time are ideal for those clients who are located beyond the New York City vicinity, or who travel heavily. A person-to-person coaching session with visual cueing in the comfort of your own space.
Those who wish to communicate narratologically via email between, or even in lieu of in-person Narrative Coaching sessions, can use our Voicebox platform to connect remotely. Voicebox is a platform for spontaneous voicing with the assurance of response with visual privacy and allows for the normalizing of experience and feeling whole, reducing isolation.
Coming soon.
Choose your own method and schedule. You can make an appointment here.